Monthly Archives: May 2015

General Chiropractic | May 5, 2015

Long Term Health Effects Of Whiplash When Untreated By A Chiropractor In Marietta

Treating Whiplash Injury in Marietta is the most common auto accident condition our Chiropractors see and can have some serious long-term health effects if ignored. Whiplash is defined as damage to the soft tissues of the neck as a result of a sudden force causing the head to whip forward…

General Chiropractic | May 6, 2015

Three Ways Car Accident Doctors Treat Chronic Back Pain In Marietta

If you’ve recently been in a car accident and are experiencing back pain, it’s crucial that you seek treatment from a Chiropractor that specializes in car accident injury care. While it may not feel any different to you, back pain as a result of an accident requires expert treatment. Car…

General Chiropractic | May 8, 2015

When Is Chiropractic Treatment In Marietta Ongoing?

Chiropractic care is a confusing thing to many people, unlike dentists and primary care physicians, just what they do and why can be a mystery. It doesn’t help that some Chiropractic patients swear they don’t know how they ever lived without it, while others insist it’s not even worth doing.…

General Chiropractic | May 18, 2015

With So Many To Choose From, How Do I Choose The Right Chiropractor In Marietta?

For many people, at the mention of Chiropractic care, the imagery of traditional spinal adjustments and that’s all singularly come to mind, but regular adjustments are just one of many different techniques that Chiropractors use. While it’s true that some Chiropractors rely primarily on manual manipulations that focus on the…

General Chiropractic | May 21, 2015

Most Common Conditions Chiropractors In Marietta Treat

Most people know that Chiropractors treat back pain, what most people don’t know that they also treat leg pain and migraines, among other things. Your spine is critical. As the primary connection point between your brain and the rest of your body, if something goes amiss there it can cause…

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