Overcoming Office-Related Back Pain

Nov 17, 2021

Overcoming-Office-Related-Back-PainSitting at a desk all day may not seem like it’s doing much, but it can actually be the main source of your back pain and discomfort. Even if you don’t experience back pain while sitting at your desk, discomfort and pain during daily routines can come from poor habits and a more sedentary lifestyle at the office. You can visit your local chiropractor for back pain treatment and also reevaluate your office space and office habits to help experience lasting relief from back pain. Millions of people visit their doctor each year because of back pain. Whether you are working from a personal home office or going into the workplace every day, there are certain things you can do to help overcome office-related back pain.

How Your Workspace Can Cause You Pain

Many office jobs require you to sit at a desk and work on a computer for long periods of time. Not all furniture is designed to support you physically while you work, though it may look nice from the outside. Office design styles and spaces change, and with that can come furniture that makes taking care of yourself more challenging. If you experience back pain at work or after a long day of sitting at your desk, then the setup of your office and the type of furniture you have may be causing your discomfort. If your chair and desk aren’t at the right height, then you might find yourself slouching or leaning forward for much of the day. Many workplaces are moving toward more flexible arrangements, which may allow you to get more of what you need to stay healthy and avoid chronic back pain.

Improving Your Office Workspace to Help with Back Pain

There are certain ways you can improve your office workspace to help with back pain. Here are two workspace items that can make a positive impact on your spine and back:

Ergonomic Office Chair

An ergonomic office chair will have adjustable features like the backrest and arms, which allow you to customize the height and fit to your body. A chair with a swivel also allows you to turn your full body instead of twisting or contorting your back into uncomfortable postures to reach for what you need.

Standing Desk

A desk that has options for both sitting and standing can give you options for how you position your body throughout the day. Standing and sitting engage different muscles in your back, so you can avoid putting too much pressure on the same spot for multiple hours a day.

Starting New Habits to Help with Pain Relief

Establishing better habits while you are working can also help with back pain. Here are some examples of new habits you can pick up to help reduce your risk of back pain at the office:

Take Breaks

Many fitness watches and apps on our phones can remind us of the importance of taking a break and moving around every so often. The science backs this idea: making time to get up and move around for a bit before sitting back down allows your body to reset and engage different muscles before you settle in for more work.

Make Time to Stretch

When you take a break, it helps to take some time to stretch. There are stretches you can do for upper back pain and lower back pain, depending on what you experience. Stretching your legs and moving around for a few minutes can also get your heart rate up and your blood circulating.

Practice Good Posture

Practicing good posture at the office is key to reducing back pain. Your desk chair can help with this, and you also want to be mindful of how you sit all day. The proper posture for your spine is with your head and neck in alignment above your shoulders. Hunching over or leaning your head forward can put too much stress on your upper back and neck. Slouching and not engaging your core can also cause back pain and even weaken the muscles that help provide you with support.

Back Pain Treatment with a Chiropractor

Will your back pain go away on it’s own? The truth is, you can’t be too sure! Visit your Marietta chiropractor to learn more about back pain treatment options for office-related back pain. Our team of chiropractors and spine doctors can work with you to develop a personalized plan to help manage your pain and prevent future occurrences.


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