What Is The Difference Between a Chiropractor and a Physical Therapist?

Feb 9, 2021

What Is The Difference Between a Chiropractor and a Physical Therapist

It is not uncommon for patients to see both physical therapists and chiropractors when they have suffered an injury or need to recover from surgery. Because both providers often treat similar conditions, many people do not understand if there is a difference. This can lead people to make the wrong decision about who to visit and when. While both physical therapists and chiropractors in Marietta, GA, work together, there are some key differences between the two disciplines. Read on to better understand each provider’s specialty and how they can help you recover.

What Physical Therapists Do

A physical therapist, also known as a physiotherapist or a PT, is focused on improving your body’s ability to move and function painlessly, boosting your quality of life, especially after an injury or surgery. A PT’s goal is to help you achieve the highest level of movement to allow you to function optimally in daily life.

When you visit a physical therapist, they will evaluate your symptoms or injuries and create a plan of guided stretches and exercises to help you work towards your goal. They also provide education and support to help you lead an active and healthy lifestyle moving forward.

In some cases, a few sessions with a PT will be needed before you begin to notice an improvement. Physical therapy is generally done over a stretch of time to help the body heal properly and you will work with your provider to evaluate your progress and goals between sessions.

What Chiropractors Do

Like PTs, a chiropractor also uses a hands-on approach to healing, but their focus is on easing pain and inflammation by using manual manipulation techniques. Chiropractors follow the philosophy that the body is able to heal itself with the non-invasive intervention of a chiropractor. Rather than using medications or surgeries, chiropractors and PTs alike focus on natural and manual methods of healing.

Chiropractic care focuses on the musculoskeletal system, particularly the spine, as the mechanism for healing the rest of the body. The most common method of care is chiropractic adjustments, in which the spine is manually manipulated to realign the vertebrae and promote better functioning in the body.

While many people visit chiropractors in Marietta, GA, after an accident or injury, it can also be used as preventative or long-term wellness care. Multiple sessions are usually needed to see results and keeping the spine in alignment is an ongoing process.


As you can see, there is some crossover between physical therapists and chiropractors.

They both aim to help you feel better without surgery and use non-invasive, hands-on approaches. Here’s how they’re alike:

  • Hands-On Help: Both physical therapists and chiropractors use their hands to ease pain and improve how your body works.
  • Natural Pain Relief: They both focus on ways to ease pain without surgery, preferring natural methods.
  • Helping with Many Issues: They can both help with lots of different problems, from muscle pain to sports injuries.
  • Whole-Body Wellness: They’re interested in your overall health, not just fixing one problem. They may suggest lifestyle changes to keep you feeling good.
  • Finding the Root Cause: They’ll both ask about your health history and where you spend your time to determine the root cause of issues.
  • Expert Care: They’re both well-trained professionals who know a lot about how to help you feel better.
  • Differences

But there are differences between chiropractor and PT care too:

  • Focus of Treatment: The goal of physical therapy is focused on restoring pain-free movement. Chiropractors focus more on addressing misalignments in the spine and using adjustments to help with pain.
  • What They Look At: Physical therapists think about how your whole body moves together. Chiropractors mainly focus on your spine, neck, joints, legs, or arms.
  • Treatments: Chiropractors use adjustments and manipulations to help your body heal. Physical therapists help you do exercises and stretches to get stronger and improve mobility.
  • Tools They Use: Chiropractors might use special equipment sometimes, while physical therapists can work in lots of different places with just their hands.
  • Different Needs: Neither one is better than the other—they’re both great at helping with different things and meeting different needs.

So, while seeing a physical therapist vs a chiropractor might seem similar, they have their own different needs and goals.

Examples of Collaborative Care Between Chiropractors & PTs

When it comes to taking care of your health, chiropractors and physical therapists can both play crucial roles in managing a variety of conditions. From chronic back pain to injuries resulting from car accident, their goals often overlap though their approaches and methodologies can differ significantly. Let’s explore the similarities and differences between chiropractors and physical therapists in treating examples including chronic back pain, tech neck, and car accident injuries.

Chronic Back Pain: Spinal Alignment & Functional Rehab

Chronic back pain is a common condition affecting millions worldwide, and both chiropractors and physical therapists are often sought for relief. Chiropractors focus on spinal manipulation techniques and aim to restore alignment and mobility in the spine. This can involve adjustments targeting specific vertebrae or joints to alleviate pain and improve function.

Physical therapists also provide interventions for chronic back pain, including exercises, stretches, and therapeutic massage. They emphasize strengthening core muscles, improving flexibility, and correcting postural imbalances to address underlying causes of back pain. You may also see a chiropractor with physical therapy to experience comprehensive care and relief from chronic back pain.

Tech Neck: Realigning the Cervical Spine & Therapeutic Strategies

With the prevalence of technology in modern lifestyles, neck pain, often called “tech neck,” has become increasingly common. Chiropractors and physical therapists both play vital roles in addressing this issue. Chiropractors typically use spinal adjustments and postural correction to relieve tension and restore alignment in the cervical spine. They may also provide practical advice on ergonomic adjustments and lifestyle modifications to prevent tech neck from reoccurring.

On the other hand, physical therapists approach tech neck through a combination of manual therapy, neck exercises, and ergonomic education. They aim to strengthen neck muscles, which helps improve range of motion and promote proper alignment to alleviate pain and prevent future issues. While chiropractic adjustments focus on spinal alignment, physical therapy emphasizes rehabilitation strategies targeting functional limitations associated with tech neck.

Car Accident Injuries: Recovery & Rehabilitation

Car accidents can result in various injuries, with whiplash being one of the most common. Whiplash is characterized by neck pain and stiffness caused by the sudden acceleration and deceleration forces. Both chiropractors and physical therapists can play important roles in managing whiplash and aiding recovery from car accident injuries. Chiropractors often incorporate spinal adjustments and mobilization techniques to restore normal motion in the spine and reduce pain caused by whiplash. They may also incorporate soft tissue therapies and recommend exercises to improve neck strength and flexibility.

Physical therapists approach car accident injuries with a comprehensive rehabilitation program tailored to the individual’s specific needs. This may include manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, traction, and utilizing treatment modalities like heat or ice therapy. Physical therapists focus on restoring function, reducing pain, and supporting your overall recovery by addressing strength, range of motion, and more. Both chiropractors and physical therapists emphasize restoring healthy functioning and holistic rehabilitation in the recovery process.

Who Should I Visit?

So the big question now is, what doctor or specialist should you see after an accident or injury? The first factor that should impact whether you need physiotherapy or chiropractic is your specific need and injuries. However, in many cases, a combination of both forms of treatment is the best option. AICA Marietta offers both physical therapists and chiropractors in Marietta, GA, under one roof. In addition, our practice includes specialists like neurologists and orthopedists as well to create comprehensive care plans. No matter your injury or goals, AICA Marietta will complete a thorough evaluation of your needs and goals and assign a care team to your case. For the best of both worlds, contact AICA Marietta today to gain access to our expert chiropractors and physical therapists alike.


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