How Do I Know I Need a Lawyer After My Car Accident?

Oct 13, 2022

Imagine you are heading home from work one day, and suddenly, a car comes up behind you going too fast and slams into the back of your car. This type of car accident could cause significant damage to your vehicle as well as your body. The force of the impact could cause your head and neck to snap forward and backward violently, leading to a whiplash injury. How do you know what to do and who to call after a car accident? While there is no law that requires you to hire a lawyer after a car accident, doing so can often be in your best interest. You should always call the police after a car accident so they can file a police report that will be a record of the incident. Then you may want to contact a car accident lawyer as you go through the process of filing an insurance claim or considering a personal injury lawsuit for a car accident injury. When you work with a lawyer after a car accident, you can spend your time and energy focusing on your health and recovery.

What Is a Personal Injury Claim?

What Is a Personal Injury ClaimA personal injury claim refers to a type of legal dispute where one party suffers physical or mental harm from an injury or accident and believes a specific person or party may be legally responsible for that harm. Car accident injuries are a common type of personal injury case, and an injured driver who was not at fault for the accident may try to seek compensation for any injuries or damage to their vehicle. Personal injury can refer to physical injuries, mental injuries, and property damage caused by another person, and this type of case allows you to file against the party who’s at fault to recover compensation. Unlike bodily injury coverage a person may have with their insurance, personal injury is a type of civil action you can take against another person who may be responsible for the damages or injuries. It is best to have a car accident lawyer by your side when going through a personal injury claim and managing the complexity of the legal system.

What to Do If You Suffered a Car Accident Injury

The first thing you should always do after a car accident injury is call the police. They will send officers to the scene who will assess and document the accident. The officers will also ask if you have been injured and may request additional first responders to the scene to tend to any obvious injuries. You should always accept medical attention from first responders because denying medical attention at the scene could be used against you in a personal injury case. Even if you are not yet sure you want to file any legal charges, it is best to accept any medical attention at the scene to demonstrate your commitment to your health and safety. Plus, first responders may recognize signs of injury that you may not be aware of, like observable concussion symptoms. If you are able to do so safely and without further injuring yourself, you can take photos of the scene of the accident. Photos or videos of the damage to your vehicle and any obvious signs of injury on your body can also come in handy for insurance and legal purposes.

Types of Car Accidents

Types of Car AccidentsYou can pursue a personal injury case after all types of car accidents. Whether you suffer minor or major car accident injuries, you are likely also dealing with property damage of the vehicle. You want to be able to explore all your available legal options so you can get compensatory damages like reimbursement for any medical treatments, medical bills, or other expenses incurred due to the car accident. Here are 5 examples of different types of car accidents and how they could impact you:

Hit-and-Run Accident

A hit-and-run accident refers to a car accident where another driver hits you and then intentionally flees the scene. This type of car accident can be tricky to pursue legally if you do not have the identification of the driver. In some cases, a victim of a hit-and-run accident may spot the license plate on the vehicle and can report that to the police. A police report will contain all available information, and they will follow up as best as possible on any leads. A car accident lawyer can also talk you through your options after a hit-and-run car accident to help ensure you get the justice you need as the victim of an accident.

Side-Impact Collision

A side-impact accident refers to a car accident where another vehicle hits the side of your vehicle. The most common types of side-impact collisions are side-swipes and T-bone accidents. Side-swipe collisions can occur when you and another driver are both moving in the same direction parallel to one another, and the other driver strays into your lane, scraping the side of your vehicle. A T-bone accident refers to when the front of the vehicle collides with the side of yours. T-bone accidents commonly occur in intersections and lead to serious injuries and significant property damage.

Rear-End Collision

A rear-end collision is a type of car accident where another vehicle hits your vehicle from behind. A rear-end collision is sometimes also referred to as a fender-bender when another driver may be following too closely and cannot react in time to stop, which results in a car accident. Rear-end collisions can also occur at high rates of speed due to distracted driving, road rage, or while in heavy traffic. Common injuries from a rear-end collision include whiplash, closed head injuries, as well as back and joint injuries. While rear-end collisions are often thought of as more minor car accidents, even this type of collision can result in serious injuries. A car accident lawyer will help you seek compensation for these damages and use evidence to establish fault.

Head-On Collision

A head-on collision is one of the deadliest types of car accidents you could be involved in. This type of car accident occurs when two vehicles going in two different directions collide at the front ends. This type of accident may occur because the other driver is distracted or under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Physical injuries in a head-on collision are typically severe, including head and neck injuries. The force of impact can lead to crushed metal, plastic, and shattered glass, which can lead to deep cuts and bruising. Damage to vital organs can result in life-threatening injuries or even death. Contact a car accident lawyer if you have been involved in a head-on collision and suffered injuries.

Car Rollover Accident

A car rollover accident is a complex type of car accident that can result in severe injuries or death. This type of accident may occur without another vehicle involved, perhaps due to manufacturing defects on the vehicle or striking a curb or guardrail before flipping over. You could also end up in a car rollover accident if you swerve suddenly to avoid an oncoming collision with another vehicle. Whether the accident occurs due to driving hazards or another vehicle was involved, talk to an experienced car accident lawyer to learn more about your chances for a personal injury claim in the event of a car rollover accident.

How to Get the Coverage You Need

How to Get the Coverage You NeedWhile obtaining a car accident lawyer does not guarantee specific results, they can certainly help improve your chances. Car accident lawyers know how to thoroughly investigate a crash and gather evidence that may prove the other driver’s fault or negligence. Car accident lawyers also know how to navigate the legal system, so you don’t have to go through the claims process alone. You can seek counsel from a car accident lawyer at any time. Some car accident injuries do not have obvious symptoms that show up right away. Instead, you may start to experience symptoms days after the accident occurs before you seek treatment from a car accident doctor. That’s why you should always get checked out by a doctor after an accident, even if you don’t think you have suffered any injuries. Car accident doctors know how to spot common signs and symptoms of car accident injuries even before you do because they work with them every single day.

The Importance of Car Accident Doctors

The sooner you can get started on treatment for any car accident injuries, the better your chances are for a full and fast recovery. Visit Marietta car accident doctors near you to get started on a personalized treatment plan and work with a car accident lawyer to help get all expenses for your treatment covered. At AICA Orthopedics in Marietta, our car accident doctors work for you and provide detailed documentation of your injuries to ensure you get the best care possible.


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